Rain Again “I saw the spirits of my generation" a cinema & music evening from the EIC, Monterrey, Mexico
a cinema & music evening where we will screen the program “I saw the spirits of my generation from the EIC followed live by the…
"possible""possible" in Soanyway Magazine, Volume 2, Issue Three
"Soanywayis an independent online magazine, providing a platform for work that tells stories using any combination of words, images and sounds.The title ‘soanyway’ is an…
"Pneumatic Flight"(1999) was presented in the "Body on Screen" film series at the 2003 Melbourne International Arts Festival, October 9-25. "Body on Screen" included 84 films from 14 countries. Series producer and curator Erin Brannigan says, "These…
"Phone Home" (2003) will be broadcast in "Trade," Episode 47 of ADDTV presented by George Lyter and Bipolar Productions on Manhattan Time Warner / MNN Channel 34 in Manhattan, New York, at 10 pm on August 2. "Trade" features Stephen Pevner's…
"Phone Home" at the 18th London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, held at the British Film Institute - National Film Theatre in London, from 24 March to April 7."Phone Home" was featured in the program " Art is a Tart ", screening March 28."Phone…
Clouin's work was featured in two programs in " NonStopMedia ," a video and media art series coordinated by Svetlana Ostrova atPRO ARTE Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. "Performance and Video in Contemporary Art" (November) and "Video and…
"Mont St. Michel" (2005) will be premiering at the 22. Internationales Kurz Film Festival Hamburg in the program "On the Fringes of Humour." The festival will be running from 31 May to 5 June.
”Mont St. Michel " (2005), "Waiting" (2006) and "John Who?" (2006) were featured — along with videoworks by Augustin Gimel — in a special "backup.forum" screening on October 19, at the2006 BackUp Festival: New Media in Film in…
“Mon lapin bleu “ (Honey Bunny, 1999) and “Front Room” (1996) will be screened in a program of shorts from the Festival de Films Gays & Lesbiens de Paris, at the Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival, in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine (October 21-29).
"Mais pourquoi t'es tout mouillé?" (But Why are You So Wet?, 2003) will be broadcast in "Cage," Episode 46 of ADD-TV presented by George Lyter and Bipolar Productions on Manhattan Time Warner / MNN Channel 34 in Manhattan, New York, at 10 pm on…