- Best VideoSOS Cinemateque1Minuto Festival, São Paulo, Brazil
exhibitions and screenings of Supply (Alimentation):2022
Les Inattendus, Festival de films hors normes, Lyon, France
Life Screenings Short Film Festival, Orlando, FL,…
exhibitions and screenings of possible:2022
1 Minuto,SãoPaulo, Brazil
Les Inattendus,Lyon, France
Soanyway Magazine(Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2019)
..."There is a similar sense in Pierre Yves Clouin’s ‘found-drawing’, a film…
Dans son coinIn her cornerexhibitions and screenings of "Une femme,"2023:
1 Minuto Film Festival, São Paulo, Brazil
Vidéothèque Festival du Film Court d'Angoulême,"La cave à films"(selectionFIFCA 2019 ), Angoulême,…
Probably Impact: 48°49'11.493N/2°21'36-94Kg-20°exhibitions and screenings of "Reentry":2020
Exploding Cinema Online Show, London, UK
Les Inattendus,Lyon, France
RPM Festival,UMass, Boston, MA, USA
Bengals International…
cliquez ici ou sur la photo pour voir le filmclick here or on the photo to see the filmEn mission, On missionexhibitions and screenings of "Lumenité":2022
1 Minuto,SãoPaulo, Brazil
"La cave à films" at the Festival International du Film…
Les enfants mettent le doigt sur les flammes que le vent attiseThe children put their finger on the flames stirred up by the wind
exhibitions and screenings of ”Le feu de l'eau”:
Un festival c'est trop court, Nice, France
cliqueziciou sur laphotopour voir le filmclickhereor on thephototo see the filmyou can see the movie at the bottom of the pageexhibitions and screenings of "The Moray Eel Opposite the Bathroom":2024
"L'animal anime"a program curated by Maxime…
Cette étoile est filante parce que je la filme It is because I’m shooting this star that this star is a shooting star-"Prix du Jury L’Œil d’Oodaaq"Videobars 2018, Nantes, France
exhibitions and screenings of "Shooting Star":
you can see the movie at the bottom of the pageDérangé
exhibitions and screenings of "Upset":
Rencontres Internationales Sciences & Cinemas (RISC), Marseille, France
Thomas Carratu,"Au cœur du Festival, entretien avec Pierre Yves…
you can see the movie at the bottom of the pageexhibitions and screenings of "Absolutely Corkscrew":
Exploding Seenema at Shuffle Festival, London, UK