MIX Festival Highlights in Toronto
"Flying Sculpture" (2000) was included in a program of eleven short films and videos selected as highlights from the 2001 MIX: New York City Lesbian/Gay Experimental Film/Video Festival that screened on June 28, in Toronto. Other works featured were "G-Sprout!" by Mirha-Soleil Ross, "My Life In Dance" by Roy Mitchell, "Music Might Have Deceived Us" by Chris Chong, "Porno-Tubbies" by Ian Jarvis, "Eels" by Patty Chang, "Mammoth" by Barbara Malaran, "K.I.P." by Nguyen Tan Hoang, "I Am…" by Jeanine Olson, "En La Madrugada" by Aurora Guerrero, and "Minnesota Mean" by Dean Otto & Marjie Thieman. The screening was co-sponsored by The Images Festival of Independent Film & Video and Pleasure Dome.