
Blowing Bubbles, V Edizione, Videomakers contro l’AIDS, Bologna, Italy

 “Queer Discord - Dissenting Voices in Queer Culture,” curated by Sarah Turner, The Lux Centre for Film, Video + New Media, London, UK

Reeling ‘97, Chicago, Illinois, USA

up-and-coming Film Festival Hannover, Hannover, Germany

Festival International du Film Indépendant, Brussels, Belgium

Lesbisch-Schwule Filmtage, Hamburg, Germany (Third Prize: “Front Room”)

La Cappelletta d’Oro, Concorso Internazionale Video - 13a edizione, Alassio, Italy

Images Festival, Toronto, ON, Canada

International Forum of Audiovisual and Multimedia Art,Bandits Mages, Bourges, France

The New Festival, New York Film Academy, New York City, USA

European Media Art Festival 1997, Osnabrück, Germany

24th Athens International Film and Video Festival, Athens, Ohio, USA

12èmes Vidéoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, France

London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, British Film Institute, National Film Theatre, London, UK

Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Germany