exhibition and screenings

Bref, a special video series to celebrate the magaziné’s 20th anniversary, Paris, France

“Bonbon," Festival International du court mètrage de Lille, Lille, France

Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival, Chicago Filmmakers, Chicago, Illinois, USA

MusicVideoArt 4, Heure Exquise! Centre International Pour Les Arts Vidéo, Mons-en-Baroeul, France

Apexart program at the Pocket Film Festival, Forum des Images, Paris, France

20th anniversary program of the Hamburg LGBT Film Festival, 25th Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Hamburg, Germany

Les Rencontres Internationales Paris Berlin MadridCentro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, Spain

Television broadcast

2009 -“?“ 56th episode of ADD-TV Bipolar Productions, broadcast on MNN Channel 34 in Manhattan, New York City, USA. John Who?

-“change“ 54th episode of ADD-TV Bipolar Productions, MNN Channel 34 in Manhattan, New York City, USA. Le saut dans le vide (The Leap into the Void)

Videos Exhibition Screenings Documents
exhibition and screenings