My Hands Are Shaking

You can see "My Hands Are shaking" at the bottom of the page
exhibitions and screenings of "My Hands Are Shaking":
- Heure Exquise Collection at the Austin GLIFF, Austin, Texas, USA
- “Let It Be”, curated by Akram Zaatari, Home Works IV: A Forum on Cultural Practices, Beirut, Lebanon
- “Tunnel of love” curated by Maïa Cybelle Carpenter, San Francisco, California, USA
- MIX NYC, Anthology Film Archives NYC, New York, USA
Akram Zaatari: The thougt of sex.The problematic presentation of Let it Be in Beirut
"... All the works that were labelled "problematic" were screened in the office of the architecte Bernard Khoury in Karantina, where the space was transformed into a theatre with two hundred seats for one evening. Those works included Naufus Figueroa's Masturbation in the Fatherland, Pierre Yves Clouin's My Hands Are Shaking, Jean Gabriel Periot's Lovers and Laetitia Bourget's 7121 images du sexe d'un autre.
Akram Zaatari
The thougt of sex.The problematic presentation of Let it Be in BeirutQueer Geographies Beirut-Tijuana-Copenhagen 2009, p30